Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Targeted Transfer Factor Benefits

Transfer Factor Cardio

Targeted Transfer Factors

4Life Research of Salt Lake City, Utah, announced the released of TF Cardio. TF Cardio represents a breakthrough in the science behind cardiovascular health. The timing of the release of TF Cardio couldn’t be more significant.

Recently, the prestigious journal, Scientific American, reported the results of a study on a breakthrough in the understanding of heart disease. For the past few years, scientists from Columbia and Harvard Universities have been investigating the cause of heart disease. Health professionals throughout the world have been concerned and confused by the increase in the incidence of heart disease. The general public has experienced a continuous increase in heart disease in spite of an increase in exercise, nutritional consumption and a decrease in fat consumption. The haunting question has been why?

Last year, more than one million people died of heart disease. It is estimated that more than 60 million people in the United States have some form of cardiovascular problem. The fact that 40% of individuals that experience a heart attack do not have high cholesterol levels, and exhibit no symptoms of circulatory problems, is an unexplained phenomenon in cardiovascular health. Underscoring the seriousness of this problem was the discovery of the beginning stages of heart disease in the majority of 16-34 year-olds that were examined.

This extensive study revealed the cause of this increase in heart disease that has developed in spite of all the efforts to address the problem. Research found that the universally accepted hypothesis for the cause of heart disease has been wrong. Cardiologists throughout the world have been wrong on the cause of heart disease and wrong on how to address it. It was once believed that over a period of time cholesterol clogged the arteries. This study found that heart disease actually begins with an immune system dysfunction.

It was discovered that, in response to an infection in the lining of the artery or in response to modified cholesterol entering the lining of the artery, the immune system creates a cascade of inflammatory responses that initiate the process that leads to heart disease. Also, the Harvard University researchers discovered that the greatest danger was not cholesterol building up inside the artery channel but cholesterol building up inside the lining of the artery. The cholesterol actually explodes into the channel of the artery from the lining, often without notice and in seemingly healthy individuals with a dysfunctional immune system being the primary agent of disease.

In 1997, David Lisonbee had a theory that heart disease was related to a dysfunctional immune system. In 1998, he commissioned Dr. William Hennen to initiate a research project that would address the connection between the immune system and heart disease. In order for Dr. Hennen to achieve this goal, he had to take the science of transfer factors to a level that had never been achieved before by any other scientists. In August of 2002, all of his extensive research paid off in the unveiling of TF Cardio.

TF Cardio is based on a technological breakthrough in biotechnology. TF Cardio contains targeted transfer factors that are bioengineered to balance the immune system in the lining of the arteries. A functional immune system is a key to the health of the cardiovascular system. Other nutrients such as red rice brand extract, CoQ10, and L-arginine have been included in order to address other areas of heart health.

4Life Research has established itself as the leader in cardiovascular health in being the first group of scientists in the world to discover and patent this new technology. Presently, this technology is the only one that utilizes a nutritional pathway to address these recent discoveries by Columbia and Harvard universities.

For more information on this product and discovery
please visit .

4Life Transfer Factor Product Training Call(English)
Host:Cynthia Champion-Olson ND,CN,CTN&HSAB member
Every Thursday
8:00pm ET
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What’s not to Love? The Benefits of Aerobics

There are more benefits of aerobics for your body that you could possibly count. All over the world today, people are talking about new and better ways to work out, because all over the world the health rates of people are falling into very dangerous territories. That means that doctors and other health care professionals have been talking about the benefits of aerobics for some time. You too can cash in on this get kind of exercise.

There are simply too many benefits of aerobics to mention quickly. However, there are a few that stick out as very important. For instance, the best way that you can make sure you are living a healthy life is to get your heart rate pumping, and the absolute best way to get your heart rate going is to find something that you can do like aerobics, that requires constant movement without any resting In order to be really and truly healthy, you have to be able to have a constant movement and to get your heart rate going for a length of time. Allowing your hear to keep going a higher rate than resting for a set amount of time is one of the best ways to get healthy, because this delivers blood and oxygen to each part of your body at an even faster rate.

There are also many more benefits of aerobics that you might not have even realized. Besides for making your heart and lungs strong, aerobics makes all of your muscles stronger because you have to keep them moving for longer periods of time without stopping. This means that no matter what part of your body you are concentrating your aerobics on working, you’re going to find that you are getting stronger and stronger as time goes on.

You should talk to a doctor if you are interested in getting a full list of the benefits of aerobics, but know right away that there are many. Before you begin an aerobics routine, however, you should be sure that you are talking to your doctor, because there are some people who need to work their way up to a full fledge routine because of other health issues. Be sure that you have the green light from your doctor so you can get started on getting the benefits of aerobics straight to yourself! You will never feel so healthy as when you are working out and taking care of yourself, and getting into an aerobics routine is the best way for you to accomplish this.

Choosing a Gym for Aerobic exercise

When it comes right down to it, how you work out is very important. Everyone knows that it is important that you get a certain amount of exercise, and that you work your body in a certain way so that all of the muscle groups can get stronger, but you might not know that it is also important to have somewhere that you work out that is going to benefit your style and you as a person, so that you can have the best chance of being successful when it comes to working out.

There are many things that you have to consider when you are choosing a gym for aerobic exercise. The most important thing to think about is the fact that not everyone gets healthy in the same way. If you haven’t worked out much before, or if you have and it hasn’t been successful, perhaps you don’t know yet what way you are going to handle exercising the best, and what types of aerobic exercise are going to be most important to you. Therefore, no matter what level of fitness you are at, you have to be choosing a gym that really meets your needs by having lots of options. You always want to pick a gym for aerobic exercise that has a lot of options for you, because you never know when you might benefit from a change in how you work out and in how you get your exercise. This means that you have to be sure you are getting the most out of everything that you are doing, and you have to pick a gym that has lots of options.

That said, you also want to pick a gym that has modern equipment, and that has enough of it to accommodate all of the people that go there. You want to be able to work out when you have a chance, so be sure that you pick one that has hours that correspond to your needs. Be sure that you are getting as much out of your gym as you can.

Also, one of the biggest factors in how successful you are at working out is your attitude, so be sure that you pick a gym that caters to a positive attitude and one that makes you feel good about yourself. You’ll be much more likely to use it and therefore much more likely to be successful. Gyms come in all shapes and sizes (and price ranges), so you should be able to find a great one in your area.

Aerobics Exercise in Conjunction with Anaerobic Exercise

Getting your exercise is always important. This should be something that you already know, but what you might not know is that type of exercise that you are getting is just as important as actually getting it. In order to be completely healthy, you have to get all of the types of exercise that you need, and you have to be sure that you are getting them all in the right way. Aerobic exercise along with anaerobic exercise is the best way to make sure you are getting all parts of the work out that you need. When it comes right down to it, aerobic exercise along with anaerobic exercise is a great combination. You are getting your heart rate pumping with the aerobic exercise, and with the anaerobic exercise you are allowing yourself to do strength training, which is also very important for your body’s health.

With all of the types of exercise out there, you can make sure that your exercise regime includes aerobic exercise along with anaerobic exercise because this is going to be the healthiest way you can get the proper amount of exercise in general.

If you are concerned about aerobic exercise along with anaerobic exercise and you don’t know what kinds of exercise you should be doing, you really need to check with your doctor because after all your doctor knows the most about your body and what you can do to feel and look better with who you are. Your doctor can give you the correct combination of aerobic exercise along with anaerobic exercise and make sure that you are getting enough of both types of exercise in your daily routine. In short, aerobic exercise will help you to build heart and lung health and burn fat, while anaerobic exercise will help you build muscle.

Remember that it is not a good idea to only get one type of exercise, no matter how strong you think you are. In order to be really healthy you have to be sure that you are getting aerobic exercise along with anaerobic exercise to have a well-rounded level of health. This can really be your best shot at being competently healthy, because it is only by getting both types of exercise that you are allowing your body to have full control over its movements and to be fully in control of how healthy you are. Remember always that aerobic exercise along with anaerobic exercise is the best way to go – you don’t want to leave one type out.

Aerobics and Healthy Eating

">There are many factors that come into play when you want to begin to talk about aerobics and healthy eating. No matter what, you should know that you can concentrate a lot of your enthusiasm for getting healthier onto both aerobics and what you are eating, because these two things play into each other very well. Healthy eating is important for any kind of exercising style.

When it comes to aerobics and healthy eating, you should know that as you start to get more and more active, it is going to be very important that you have a good meal and a good diet to fall back on. As you start to want to be healthier, your diet is really the first thing that you should change about yourself. See your doctor for suggestions of what you should be eating, and implement these changes as soon as you can, because you are going to find that changing what you are eating is the best way to begin to be healthy and to lead a healthy lifestyle.

After you have started by changing what you are doing and how you are eating, you have to get into the routine of exercising in general. This is often something that is hard for people to do, because it takes a lot out of them and brings them into a situation where they really need to get down to business. By doing aerobics and other types of activity, you are going to be burning more fat and so your body is going to be needing more protein. This means that diets aren’t going to help you, because if you don’t have the proper protein that your body needs, you might find that you are too weak to work out as you should.

Therefore, the first thing that you have to focus on is eating a good diet – and then you have to realize that this diet shouldn’t be that cuts back on your eating habits completely, because many times these aren’t going to have the proper nutrients for what you need as you are doing aerobics. Be sure that you are giving yourself plenty of chances to get as good of foods as you can when it comes to eating well, and be sure to talk to your doctor if you have concerns about what you should and should not be eating. These are all very important things that you can do to make sure you are on the right track when it comes to fitness as a whole.

Is Organic Worth It?

When you head to the grocery store, shopping for products like eggs, meat, fish, milk, and produce can be very tricky. Signs are posted everywhere labeling food as natural, organic, and a number of other things—but what’s the difference, really? Learning what specific names mean can help you decide if you should shell out extra money on a product of it is simply a marketing ploy.

Natural is a turn associated with a number of fruit and vegetable product. Typically, this is simple a marketing ploy to convince you to buy the product. After all, all fruits and vegetables are natural, right? Unless it’s a new kind of food that has been developed and processed, the product is natural. What you really probably want is organic. Organic foods are grown without chemical pesticides and fertilizers. There are two main benefits to organic foods. First, you are helping the environment because those chemicals are not being introduced into nature. Secondly, you are avoiding ingesting chemicals and are therefore healthy more healthy foods. However, organic products are usually more expensive. If you’re on a budget, skip over organic fruits and vegetables that you can peel, like oranges and bananas. After all, once you’ve discarded the peel, you’ve also discarded the chemicals. Instead, opt for organic items like apples, where you eat the peel. No matter what you buy, however, make sure that you rinse off the food when you get home.

Another tricky label you will see is “no hormones.” This is usually in regards to milk or meat products and is false, since all animals naturally produce hormones. Hormones are what helps an animal (even a human) regulate body organs, have young, and otherwise function. All meat products have hormones. What the labels really mean is that no hormones were unnaturally given to the animal, which is sometimes done to increase milk production. Regardless of hormones, however, the milk and meat is safe for a person and not a violation of an animal’s rights.

Lastly, a label on eggs and meat can indicate if the animal was caged or penned. This does not make a difference in the quality or nutritional value of the meat, but is simply a matter of animal rights. These products may be a bit more expensive, but if you want to make human decisions, that is the way to go. Reading the label and making healthy choices can sometimes be difficult, but learning how to do so can help you make the best choices for you diet.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Happy, Healthy Hearts

Everyone knows that working out is good for your body. However, do you really understand the correlation between aerobics and heart health? There are many people who swear that doing aerobics is the best way for them to feel healthy and to be better in every aspect of their life. When it comes right down to it, aerobics and heart health is something that you want to keep an eye on because it is something that you can really focus on to get more healthy.

There are simply more benefits to aerobics than you can talk about in an article. However, the correlation between aerobics and heart health is something that you simply cannot deny because it is something that is going to stay with you and with your health forever. When you look at aerobics and heart health you are going to see that the more aerobics you can do, the healthier your heart is going to become. This might seem like a general idea, and yes, it is very general in that the more you work, the better your heart will work for you. However, there are specific reasons that this is the case.

When it comes to the relationship between aerobics and heart health the basic point is that by doing aerobics you are giving yourself a work out where your heart and lungs are constantly moving faster than they are when you are resting. This means that as you work out, your heart and lungs are forced to work harder. The more that you do, the more your heart has to do for you. By making aerobics part of your routine, you are forcing your heart to work each day, and this is going to make it stronger.

Basically, when it comes to aerobics and heart health the point is that they are connected. The better your heart is doing, the more aerobics you are going to be able to do without stopping. And the more aerobics you can do, the healthier your heart is going to be.

Like anything, when it comes to aerobics and heart health you are going to have to work your way up. If you haven’t done much working out, your heart isn’t going to be able to take very much right away. Aerobics and heart health are something that you have to work up to, so take your time and talk to your doctor in order to develop a great aerobics routine that is going to clearly benefit you.


About Me

I like long walks in the park, HA. Well sometimes. The truth is I am serious about Network Marketing. I love this industry. As a pioneer in my field of online network marketing, I see the potential to help thousands of entrepreneurs find their niche and achieve incredible success. What I have come to find realize is that networkers do not fail because of lack of desire, but because of lack of effective training and education. This site is really about educating and training yourself to educate and train others. This is how we truly harness the power of network marketing. Remember the old saying, “Each one, teach one”. Here lies the secret to becoming a truly successful network marketer. Please take the information on these pages and share it with others. That is my goal; to make a significant impact on the industry of network marketing for the good of all. God Bless.
